Episode 12, Peter Corfield, His Books, Video Blogs And Stories

May 28, 2017

Peter Corfield

On June 1, 2010, Peter Corfield’s life changed forever. A brain aneurysm unknown to him ruptured. The former PE and Drama teacher, a happy Englishman living in France suffered a stroke.

Peter refused to settle with his injury. In the following years, he worked hard to recover. He turned his stories into a trilogy: Remarkable Stroke of Luck. The book is available on Amazon. Peter donates every penny of his books sales to the ARNI Institute (ARNI stands for Action for Rehabilitation for Neurological Injury), a British neurology institute founded by Dr Tom Balchin with a mission to “provide specialist rehabilitation and exercise support after hospital and community physiotherapy finishes”

Peter is quite a celebrity among survivors seeking information online, in that he has built up the longest stroke recovery diary on the Internet. Peter has been videotaping his daily journey on YouTube for more than 2 years now and it is still growing.

When Dr Jill Bolte Taylor published her groundbreaking work: My Stroke of Insight in 2009, she said there was no documented work on a full journey of stroke recovery before her book. Peter has certainly changed that. Not only there is now a record, it is in video.

Peter, Happy Stroke Anniversary!


Peter’s book trilogy: Remarkable Stroke of Luck is available on Amazon.com


Dr Tom Balchin

Dr Tom Balchin, Founder of ARNI Institute. Author of The Successful Stroke Survivor

Dr Tom Balchin and ARNI Institute

Peter’s recent video blogs.


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