Gillian’s was a physiotherapist and exercise instructor. She is now working as a ‘ ‘science translator’ in the University of Newcastle’s Stroke Recovery Research Group, at Hunter Medical Research Institute (Newcastle, Australia).
Gillian’s main work is identifying people with stroke in the local community willing to take part in research studies and signing them up.
She loves her job. She enjoys getting to stay in touch with local people who have had strokes and linking them with researchers who are working hard to solve their problems. Those questions about getting back into life after a stroke! She manages the group’s social media accounts – search for strokebrainprc [say “stroke brain P R C”] on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and moonlights as a research assistant and university teacher. The rest of the time she’s busy riding bikes, mucking about with her kids and trying to figure out how to make our city an easier place to live regardless of your health or disability.