Episode 96 Art Therapy – Panel Discussion with Dr Wilson

December 4, 2019

Today, our panel of stroke and brain injury survivors will talk to Dr Cynthia Wilson, an art therapist with 15 years of experience on what art therapy can do to stroke recovery.

According to Dr Wilson, art Therapists are masters level trained individuals who use the combination of the creative arts and mental health counseling to promote the positive mental health of people of all ages. Art Therapy has been proven to reduce stress and increase confidence.

Dr Wilson believes art is a universal language that can be very healing for even those individuals experiencing the greatest depths of hopelessness. She has created the founder of the Unique Imaging Art Therapy Program which enables individuals to express themselves in a way that expands their vision of their place in the world. Her clientele has included children, adults and geriatrics in group, family and individual settings. Her solutions include art therapy, play therapy, and photo therapy techniques to children, adolescents, adults, older adults and families.

Check out Dr Wilson’s Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/UniQue-ImAging-176035349077298/

Or visit her site at: http://www.uniqueimaging.org/

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