Born in Nigeria, Ayo had a sweet childhood. His dad worked hard to provide a comfortable life for the family.
In 1997, Ayo’s dad suffered his first stroke attack. He was lost on his way home. Someone picked him up finally and send him to hospital. Nobody contacted his home. After 30+ days, when his family finally found him, his condition was irreversible.
The incident disrupted the whole family. Ayo’s mom had to take a job and work extra hours to support the family. Ayo later started a phone call business with the help of his uncle. 15 years later, Ayo’s dad passed away.
This traumatic experience has motivated Ayo to set up the organization to help other survivors, called Hope for Stroke.
Hope for Stroke is a nonprofit stroke support organization founded in February 13, 2016 and registered in September 2016. It is based in Nigeria.
The organization defines its audience as
People who have a history of stroke in their family line
People who have just had a stroke
People who have had stroke for some time.
People who are at high risk of having a stroke
Listen to this episode. Find out how stroke support is provided in Nigeria. We wish Hope For Stroke the best luck.